The VBS 2025 Special Friends Leader Guide is filled with plans to help you provide for children, youth, and adults who have special needs in VBS. The resource is divided into three major sections. Administrative Guide: Guidelines for getting organized and ideas for choosing your format, adding resources to enhance Bible study, prayer strategies, prepping for the theme, and making a spiritual impact on learners. Also gives guidance for adapting the ideas included in other VBS 2025 resources to suit children with special needs who participate in VBS with their age-group peers. Teaching Plans for Kids: Specific plans for a self-contained class created just for kids with special needs. The plans are presented in a pick-and-choose format similar to Bible Studies for Life: Special Buddies. No specific time limits are suggested so that teaching plans can be adapted to meet the specific needs of learners. Teaching Plans for Students/Adults: Specific plans for a self-contained class created just for youth and adults with special needs. The plans are designed for one-hour Bible study sessions. VBS 2025 Special Friends Leader Guide prepares leaders for teaching success. Order one for each leader. Magnified! VBS will teach kids how looking closely at the details of God's amazing world leads us to proclaim His greatness. Kids will learn that God made us, cares about us, loves us, forgives us, and is faithful to keep all His promises. We can praise God together. We were made to magnify God!