NLT Premium Gift Bible-Soft leather-look, Dark Brown/Tan
NLT Premium Gift Bible-Soft leather-look, Dark Brown/Tan
- NLT New Living Translation
- Easy-to-Read and Understand Text
- Words of Christ in Red
- Durable TuTone Binding
- Double Column, 7-point type
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The New Living Translation Premium Gift Bible offers today's most popular features, including book introductions, a dictionary/concordance, and a durable binding, at an affordable price. It's perfect for individual gift giving or for churches.
The New Living Translation is a clear and trusted English translation of the Bible. It conveys the precise meaning of the original languages in a flowing, effortless writing style that promotes comfortable and meaningful reading.
Features include:
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At Concordia Supply, it is our mission to equip churches and ministry leaders with high-quality Christian resources that transform lives for Christ.