Characters Volume 4: The Prophets - Bible Study Book
The Prophets Bible Study Book includes printed content for six sessions, personal study between group sessions, applicable Scripture, "How to Use This Study," a leader guide, and tips for leading a group. Every person in the Bible is a supporting actor in God's story—each revealing who God is and what His will is for human beings both then and now. In these characters, we see a glimpse of ourselves, coming to understand our failings, our potential, and God's purpose through it all. This fourth volume of the Characters series presents us with a remarkable group of diverse and colorful personalities all used to communicate God's message. People like Elijah, Jonah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel all stood against great odds to communicate the singular message, "thus sayeth the Lord." These prophets remind us that God's Word stands forever, despite the personal weakness and failings of His messengers, and that eventually, God would do what He must to save His people. Session topics: 1. Elijah: The Bold Prophet 2. Jonah: The Reluctant Prophet 3. Isaiah: The Prophet Who Predicted Jesus 4. Jeremiah: The Weeping Prophet 5. Ezekiel: Prophet to the Exiled 6. Malachi: The Final Prophet Features: • Six small-group sessions • Personal study opportunities for ongoing spiritual growth Benefits: • Understand how God communicated through the lives and words of people. • See the unchangeable nature of God's proclamation. • Gain a greater biblical literacy as you understand these characters' places in Scripture. • See yourself in the victories and failures of these prophets. • Continue a year-long experience of walking through the Bible. • Explore the historical and biblical contexts of the place of the prophets. • Find greater meaning in familiar Bible accounts. • Become confident of your own place as a character of God's story. • Experience the redemption that comes through God's use of imperfect people for His will. • See the foreshadowing and promise of Jesus, and gain confidence in God's unchanging plan.
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