Zip for Preschool: God Is . . .
Zip for Kids: God Is...Preschool is a self-contained preschool event with music/worship, Bible story, Bible activities, and tracks designed for preschoolers. Preschoolers will study the attributes of God. The preschool biblical content aligns with the Zip for Kids Content. Inside you'll find:•Preschool Administrative Helps/Enhanced CD•Five preschool track booklets filled with five sessions of content per track (Move It, Discover It, Cook It, Make It, Perform It)•Learn It Bible studies filled with: DVD-ROM containing music, Bible story videos, and ten Bible study sessions 10 sessions designed to teach preschoolers about the attributes of God•5 Old Testament Sessions about David•God Always Loves Me•God Has Plans for Me•God Is Always With Me•God Keeps His Promises to Me•I Can Trust God•5 New Testament Sessions about Peter•God Always Love Me•God Has Plans for Me•God Is Always with Me•God Keeps His Promises to Me•I Can Trust God Benefits:•Easy to customize to fit the needs of your church•Choose tracks that fit your leaders' gifts and interests•Choose tracks that fit the interests of your preschoolers•Create an event that is unique to your church•Works with large groups, small groups, or both
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UPC: 9781415877715Preferred Location: SCLSOut Of Stock Message: Out of Print - No Longer AvailableBrand : LifeWayCondition: New