Worship Rally CD Set - Twists & Turns VBS 2023 by Lifeway
Worship Rally CD Set - Twists & Turns VBS 2023 by Lifeway
- What: Worship Rally CD Set - 2 disc set
- Includes: All songs and graphics files for Worship Rally, PowerPoint presentation files.
- Included in the Worship Rally Pack
- Twists & Turns by Lifeway
The VBS 2023 Worship Rally CD Set is a two-disc set that contains all the songs and graphics files needed for Worship Rally. Includes PowerPoint® presentations. For video files, see the Worship Rally DVD Set. Overhead cels can be found on Disc 2.
Additional Information
UPC: 840154569530Year: 2023Age Level: ChildrenTheme: Twists & TurnsPages: 64VBS Category: Leader ResourcesPreferred Location: SCLSOut Of Stock Message: Out of Stock for the SeasonCondition: New