Zoomerang VBS 2022
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Please Note: This is a VBS theme from a previous year and is no longer supported by the publisher. There is limited (non-returnable) or no stock available for this course.
Explore Current VBS ThemesGenesis 1:26-28, Genesis 2:7-23
The Creator of the universe created you! You didn’t evolve from an ape-like creature.
Genesis 1:27
They can't make a monkey out of me! (Ape-men Frauds)
Science: Bonzer Boomerang & Flipped Constellations; Crafts: Rockin' Dot Art & Hop-a-Shot
Outbreak Hat & Funky Monkey
Jumpin' for Jesus; Aussie Rules
Guessing Game
Jumpin' Jack the Kangaroo
Psalm 139:13-16
You are fearfully and wonderfully made, with a body full of awe-inspiring design features.
Psalm 139:14
God thought of everything! (Design Features of our Bodies)
Science: Pick Your Brain & Making Sense of Senses; Crafts: Crocs and Kangas Fitness Game & Manta Ray Bookmark
Coral Cup & Thumbprint Cookie
PS139 Obstacle Course Reef Thief
Team Cheers
Shimmer the Coral
Matthew 1-2
God values you greatly! Each and every person—young, old, healthy, sick—is a priceless treasure.
Luke 6:31
Be a defender of the defenseless! (Protecting and respecting life)
Science: Breathtaking Lung Model & Blood Sample; Crafts: Life Is Precious Photo Frame & Playful Platypus
Celebration Cake & Baby in a Blanket
King of the Court; Let Me Help You
Dress-Up Day
Bill the Platypus
Select Scriptures
God loves you! He loves you so much that he sent his only Son to die for you.
John 11:25
SMYLE! God loves you! (Only one way to eternal life)
Science: Take Heart Model & Stellar Stethoscope & Toothpick Heartbeat; Crafts: Southern Cross Ornament & Koala Case
SMYLE! Pizza & Koala-fied Cookie
SMYLE Kickball; Animal Pal Dash
Bible Verse Challenge
Paula the Koala
Acts 1:6-11; 1 Corinthians 12:12-26
You are created on purpose for a purpose.
Ephesians 2:10
All I want to do is live each day for you! (Life has meaning and purpose)
Science: Mining Cereal & Fabulous Fingerprints; Crafts: Straya Sun Pillow & Clay Echidna
Dingo Puppy Chow & Boomerang Bread
Teamwork Towers; Dingo Rescue
Mission Money Mania
Ringo the Dingo
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At Concordia Supply, it is our mission to equip churches and ministry leaders with high-quality Christian resources that transform lives for Christ.