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Jerusalem Marketplace VBS 2022

The one-of-a-kind Bible Times VBS!

Please Note: This is a VBS theme from a previous year and is no longer supported by the publisher. There is limited (non-returnable) or no stock available for this course.

Explore Current VBS Themes

Daily Bible Content


Bible Point

Jesus is King.

Bible Verse

"Jesus Christ is Lord." Philippians 2:11

Bible Story

Crowds welcome Jesus to Jerusalem. Matthew 21:1-11

Tribe Time

Meet your Tribe members and learn your Tribe's name.

Synagogue School

  • Visit the Synagogue School and compare it to modern day schools.
  • Receive yarmulkes to wear each time they visit.


Play a variety of games like the ones played in Bible times.


Bible Point

Jesus showed God's love.

Bible Verse

"You should love each other." John 13:34

Bible Story

Jesus shares Passover with the disciples. John 13:1-17

Tribe Time

Explore Bible-times customs like the mezuza and lighting the oil lamp.

Synagogue School

  • Hear a special reading from the Torah.
  • Practice Hebrew lettering on clay tablets.
  • Experience a traditional Passover meal called a Seder.


While playing with a dreidel, learn a few Hebrew letters and some history of the game.


Bible Point

Jesus loves us.

Bible Verse

"Nothing...will ever be able to separate us from the love of God." Romans 8:39

Bible Story

Jesus prays in the garden and is arrested. John 17:1-18:11

Tribe Time

Smell the spices in the b'samim bottle to explore a special Jewish custom.

Synagogue School

  • Practice their lettering.
  • Hear about a time Jesus visited the synagogue...from someone who was there!


Kids become athletes as they throw the "discus" and "javelin" and take part in a long jump..


Bible Point

Jesus died for us.

Bible Verse

"God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us." Romans 5:8

Bible Story

Jesus is crucified. Luke 23:1-55

Tribe Time

Compare life in Bible times to life today while reading the Jerusalem News.

Synagogue School

  • Discover what tefillin are.
  • Explore the sacred Scriptures written on them.


Discover that children in Jesus' time played simple board games, too.


Bible Point

Jesus lives.

Bible Verse

"Since I live, you also will live." Romans 5:8

Bible Story

Jesus rises from the dead. Luke 23:1-55

Tribe Time

Share your beliefs about Jesus.

Synagogue School

  • Learn a special blessing.
  • Discover what it might have been like for a teenage Jesus to visit the Temple in Jerusalem.


Turn up the music; it’s time to try some simple Israeli folk dances!

Jerusalem Marketplace VBS 2022

Jerusalem Marketplace VBS 2022

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