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Un lider de convicciones

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Un lider de convicciones

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  • 25 principios para un liderazgo relevante
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  • Description

    El liderazgo cristiano no puede separarse de las creencias. Estamos listos para ser lderes solo cuando estamos comprometidos con la verdad. Ahora por primera vez, el Dr. Mohler revela 25 principios para solidificar las convicciones, revolucionar el pensamiento, la forma de tomar decisiones, la comunicacion y a aquellos a quienes se Guia. Christian leadership cannot be separated from passionately held beliefs. Only if you are deeply committed to truth will you be ready for leadership. Now for the first time, Dr. Mohler reveals 25 principles to crystallize your convictions, revolutionizing your thinking, your decision-making, your communication, and ultimately those you lead.

  • Additional Information
    UPC: 9781462745289
    Pages: 240
    Preferred Location: SCLS
    Condition:: New
  • Reviews

About the Author

El doctor Mohler ha sido reconocido por las revistas Time y Cristianity Today, como un l der entre los evang'licos de Norteam'rica. Molher es te logo y pastor, y ha servido como tal y como miembro del equipo de liderazgo en diversas iglesias Bautistas del Sur. Se convirti en presidente del Seminario Bautista despu's de ser' editor para The Christian Index, el diario m s antiguo que serv a a la Convenci n Bautista del Sur. Hoy en d a, el 80% de las instituciones con denominaci n (incluido LifeWay) como tambi'n numerosas otras instituciones de orden acad'mico y ministerial en todo el pa s, son lideradas por alumnos y facultativos del Seminario Teol gico Bautista del Sur (SBTS) que el form . Esto se atribuye a su aptitud intencional de formar personas que influencian a otras en cada rea de la vida y ministerio. Mohler es tambi'n' conferencista en foros de corte evang'lico y secular y contribuye regularmente con FOX y CNN. Sus diversas plataformas en las redes sociales alcanzan a miles de personas cada d a. El es casado con Mary, y tienen dos hijos, Katie y Christopher. Dr. Mohler has been recognized by such influential publications as time and Christianity Today'as a leader among American evangelicals. Dr. Mohler is a theologian and an ordained minister, having served as pastor and staff minister of several Southern Baptist churches. He came to the presidency of Southern Seminary from service as editor of'The Christian Index, the oldest of the state papers serving the Southern Baptist Convention. Today, 80% of the denomination's institutions (including LifeWay) as well as numerous other academic and ministerial institutions across the country are led by SBTS Alumni and/or faculty that he developed. This can be attributed to his intentionality and skill in shaping influencers in every sphere of life and ministry. Al is a regular lecturer at both secular and evangelical forums, a regular contributor at both FOX and CNN. His social media platform, blogs, and podcasts reach hundred's of thousands each day. He is married to Mary, and they have two children, Katie and Christopher. '

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