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TheQuestfor Kids: An Expedition Toward a Deeper Relationship with God Leader Guide is filled with step-by-step instructions for leading six sessions. It's filled with activities designed to help kids engage in each meeting. The enclosed CD-ROM contains 38 printables to be used with the six sessions. From bestselling author Beth Moore, The Quest for Kids: An Expedition Toward a Deeper Relationship with God takes kids in grades 16 on a 6-week journey through God's Word to help them grow closer to God. The Activity Books contain Parent Pages so parents can lead kids on The Quest at home. Kids can learn that: • God created you to have a relationship with Him. • God is sending you on an adventure for Him as an ambassador • God loves to talk with you and wants to use your questions and the events in your life to bring you closer to God. For a free download of the Leader Guide Printables, look below "Companion Products."
Beth Moore
Bible Study:
The Quest
Preferred Location:
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