The Parent Adventure
The Parent Adventure
- Preparing Your Children for a Lifetime with God
Informed by research that reveals destructive parenting patterns are being handed down through most American families (including Christian households), The Parent Adventure looks to the church to help break this cycle and teach moms and dads how to prepare their kids for a lifetime with God. The problem starts when parents raise children based on their personal experiences growing up instead of using the Bible as the timeless, authoritative guide. Although seemingly painful at first, the parental attitude of "letting go" must begin intentionally at birth, keeping in mind that each child's life is more about knowing God than anything else. With this outlook established, the future-focused mom and dad will move more joyfully through each stage in the adventure of parenting as detailed in the book. Knowing God has a lifelong plan for each family member, parents and kids will grow closer to each other just as sure as they will grow closer to God.
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