Apostles' Creed - Bible Study Book
Apostles' Creed - Bible Study Book
- Together We Believe
Take your group through an in-depth examination of the primary tenets of Christianity. The Apostles' Creed was born from the apostles' teachings. It contains essential doctrines and beliefs that summarize the gospel and the foundation of our faith. The scriptural truths contained in the creed enable us to build our Christian lives on good theology, with the knowledge that our faith is rooted in truth and a rich history. The lines of the creed aren't mere words. They are the essence of what we confess and believe. Repeating the creed doesn't make disciples. Incantations don't transform us into better, more effective Christians. Creeds don't hold any authority apart from Scripture, but they do point outside themselves to the authoritative Word of God. The Apostles' Creed was traditionally used as a public confession before baptism. This confession of faith, given as a recitation of the creed, was understood as an act of turning away from previous pagan beliefs and fully accepting apostolic teaching. This profession identified new believers with the community of Christians. This group study from Matt Chandler and The Village Church leads to greater clarity of our religion, greater symmetry and balance as a disciple, and a more profound sense of belonging in the kingdom of God.The Apostles' Creed Bible Study Book includes 12 small-group sessions, 12 weeks of personal Bible study, applicable Scripture, "How to Use This Study," and tips for leading a group. Session Topics: 1. I Believe In 2. God the Father Almighty, Creator of Heaven and Earth 3. And in Jesus Christ, His Only Son, Our Lord 4. Who Was Conceived by the Holy Spirit, Born of the Virgin Mary 5. Suffered Under Pontius Pilate; Was Crucified, Dead, and Buried 6. He Descended to Hell, the Third Day He Rose Again from the Dead 7. He Ascended into Heaven and Sits on the Right Hand of the Father Almighty 8. From Whence He Shall Come to Judge the Living and the Dead 9. I Believe in the Holy Spirit 10. The Holy Catholic Church, the Communion of Saints 11. The Forgiveness of Sins 12. The Resurrection of the Body and the Life Everlasting. Amen Features: • Biblically rooted and gospel-centered content • 12 small-group sessions that guide groups through the theological implications of the creed • Personal-study opportunities for ongoing spiritual growth Benefits: • Help believers better understand the foundations of the Christian faith. • Improve evangelistic efforts by learning the fundamentals of the Christian faith. • Gain a succinct understanding of Christianity, It's origins, and It's basic theology. • Understand the significance of understanding and clearly professing what you believe. • Transform your group into engaged disciples of Jesus who embrace and practice the essential doctrines of their faith.
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