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Siervos para Su gloria

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Siervos para Su gloria

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    Todos venimos al mundo con cierto vacio en nuestravidaque nos impulsa a buscar el significado que todos buscamos de diferentes formas. El hombrees de "hacer" por naturaleza y encuentra su identidad en lo que hace. Vemos como los ninos disfrutan construyendo un castillo de arena o un fuerte con soldados en posicin de batalla. Las mujeres, por el contrario se inclinan ms hacia sus relaciones y encuentran su identidad en ellas. Aun de nias vemos como tienden a jugar con muecas desde temprana edad y asumen el rol de madre y a vivir la maternidadsin que nadie les ensee como hacerlo. Pareciera ser que el hombre viene preparado para la batalla y para "hacer" y la mujer viene equipada para "relacionarse". Sin embargo,la sociedad le ha quitado el valor a la maternidad, vemos que muchas mujeres han querido tambien pertenecer al mundo del trabajo porque encuentran mas satisfaccin trabajando fuera del hogar para proveer a sus familias. "Hacer" se ha convertido en la adiccin de nuestra generacin. Desafortunadamente un enfasis excesivo en el hacer a llevado a muchas personas a no cultivar una vida interior que les ayude a sostener la vida exterior. Esto explica los muchos fracasos que constantemente vemos en el da a da. Cuando la vida interior de la persona no esta preparada, su carcter no tiene la madurez o la fuerza para sostenerla a largo plazo. En este libro el pastor Nunez, nos lleva a la Escritura y a experimentar la importancia de cultivar la fundacin de nuestras vidas, para que podamos "ser lo que necesitamos ser para hacer lo que necesitamos hacer". We all come to the world with a certain emptiness in our lives, which produces a search for meaning that we all pursue in different ways. Man is a "doer" by nature and finds his identity in what he does. We see how boys enjoy building a castle of sand or a fort with soldiers placed in a position of battle. Women, on the contrary are more inclined towards relationships and finds her identity there. Even as girls we see how they tend to play with dolls from an early age and assume the role of a mother without anyone necessarily teaching them how to live out maternity. It would seem that man comes prepared for battle and for "doing" and women come equipped for "relating." However, as society has removed value from maternity, we see that many women have also wanted to jump into the workforce, because they find more satisfaction in working outside the home to provide for their families. Doing has become the addiction of our generation. Unfortunately, an overemphasis on doing has lead many people to not cultivate an interior life that allows them to sustain their exterior life. This explains the many failures we continuously see in day-to-day life. When the person's interior life is not prepared, their character does not have the maturity or the strength to sustain them in the long run. In this book, Pastor Nez points us to scripture and to experience to show us the importance of cultivating the foundations of our lives, so that we can "be what we need to be, in order to do what we need to do."

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About the Author

El Dr. Miguel N ez (MD, DMin.), sirve como el pastor titular de la Iglesia Bautista Internacional (IBI) en Santo Domingo, Rep blica Dominicana. Es presidente y fundador del Ministerio Integridad y Sabidur a, que tiene como visi n impactar el mundo hispano-parlante'de hoy con la revelaci n de Dios. Es adem s presidente del Instituto Integridad y Sabidur a donde tambi'n es parte del cuerpo docente. Es m'dico de profesi n con especialidades en medicina interna y enfermedades infecciosas. En el rea ministerial cuenta con varios t tulos avanzados incluido un'doctorado ministerial del Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.'Es el co-conductor del programa de televisi n "Respuestas: Verdades Absolutas para un Mundo Relativo", el cual es transmitido a trav's de toda Latinoam'rica y el mundo, presentando una cosmovisi n b blica a una variedad de problemas. Miguel ha escrito varios libros y art culos y es invitado como conferencista con frecuencia por toda Latino Am'rica y Estados Unidos.' l vive en Santo Domingo con su esposa de m s de 30 a os, la Dra. Catherine Scheraldi, quien todav a est en la pr ctica de la medicina. ' Dr. Miguel N ez, MD, DMin.serves as the senior pastor of the International Baptist Church in Santo Domingo, and is the founding president of Wisdom & Integrity Ministries, which has as it's vision, to impact today's generation with God's revelation in the Spanish-speaking world. In addition he is the President of the Wisdom and Integrity Institute, as well as a member of the teaching staff. He is a medical doctor by trade with specialties in Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases. In the area of ministry he has several graduate degrees, including'a Doctor of Ministry from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He's the co-host of the TV show "Respuestas: Verdades Absolutas para un Mundo Relativo" (Answers: Absolute Truths for a Relative World), which is transmitted in over 30 countries, and presents'the Biblical worldview on a variety of issues. Miguel has authored sevaral volumes and articles and is a frequent conference speaker throughout Latin America and the US. He lives in Santo Domingo, with his wife of over 30 years, Dr. Catherine Scheraldi-N ez.

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