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Preschool TeamKID: All In Leader Kit Contains one Leader Guide for sessions 1-18 and one Leader Guide for sessions 19-36 with Administration pages and teaching plans for 36 meetings, and a DVD-ROM providing reproducible PDF items and missions videos. A brand new Preschool TeamKID Playbook is also included, providing all needed TeamKID games in one handy spiral-bound book. Each Leader Kit also includes a redeemable download code for easy online access to your TeamKID files. More information and resources are available at Included:•TeamKID: All In Preschool Leader Guides •Sessions 1-18 (005816350)•Sessions 19-36 (005816351)•Preschool Playbook (005819346)•TeamKID: All In Preschool DVD-ROM(005816348)TeamKID: All In leads preschoolers through a biblical study and practical application of key spiritual disciplines such as prayer, worship, and service.TeamKID is a fun, high-energy ministry that encourages kids to know Jesus Christ and to grow in a relationship with Him. That's why TeamKID ends with KID. KID stands for Kids in Discipleship! All parts of TeamKID — Bible stories, Scripture memory, mission activities, life application, and recreation games — connect to teach life lessons to kids. Use it for your midweek or Sunday night class!
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