Life on Mission: A Simple Way to Share the Gospel - BIble Study Book
Life on Mission: A Simple Way to Share the Gospel - BIble Study Book
Life on Mission Bible Study Book contains personal study segments, five group sessions, and an interactive conversation guide. Approximately 259 million people in the United States and Canada do not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Life on Mission is a North American Mission Board initiative that equips believers to live a missional lifestyle. A life lived on mission isn't a supersized version of an extraordinary Spirit-filled life. It isn't reserved only for top-level Christian risk takers who have mastered the art of obedience. Living a life on mission is the story of everyday, ordinary believers leveraging whatever levels of influence they have to bring unbelievers to faith in Christ. Based on the authors' experiences as church planters,this five-session Bible study is equal parts purpose and practice. It's one thing to examine the heart of a mission-minded follower. It's another to adopt the strategy and actually become a mission-minded follower. This small group resource provides an opportunity for both. The video sessions feature prominent pastors and authors who are practitioners of a missional lifestyle as well as mission-minded preachers. This Bible study will not make you into an evangelist. However, it will invite you to connect with God's mission and equip you with tools to live a life that matters. Sessions 1. Life on Mission 2.Brokenness 3.God's Design 4.Gospel 5.Three Circles Features: •Tips for leading a group • Five-session workbook with group and personal components •Biblically rooted and gospel-centered contentBenefits:• Train believers in a simple way to share the gospel • Provide motivation for sharing their faithAuthor: Aaron Coe serves as the vice president of mobilization and marketing of the North American Mission Board, providing leadership in mobilizing churches and missionaries to plant churches. He and his wife, Carmen, have four children, Ezra James, Danielle, Joshua and Harper. Dustin Willis serves as the coordinator of the Send Network and the Send North America Conference. Dustin lives in metro Atlanta, with his wife, Renie, and their two children, Jack and Piper.Before moving to Atlanta, Dustin planted and pastored Midtown Fellowship in Columbia, South Carolina.
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