Kids Serving Kids™ Mission Kit II - The Ones He Won't Let Go
Kids Serving Kids Mission Kit II - VBS 2015
Tales of The Ones He Won't Let Go
Filled with fun, interactive learning experiences, biblical teaching and kid-inspired service projects, this Super Simple Mission Kit will open kids' eyes (and grown-ups' too!) to the needs in their community and around the world - than challenge them to do something about it!
This fully-resourced curriculum is so flexible and can be used in many ways; including follow-up to VBS, a back-to-school program, family ministry event, midweek or Sunday school program, Orphan Sunday or to create your own missions experience during summer, spring or winter break.
Along the way, they'll come to understand what it means to have faith, learn about persistent prayer, be challenged to give more than they think they have, discover what happens when wounds heal, be encouraged to live out the dream God gives, and find out love brings new life even in dark places.The kit includes:
An easy-to-use Kids Serving Kids Director's Guide with everything you need-lesson plans, schedules, serving activities, a giving project, and more
A Kids Serving Kids DVD--kids will watch fun, inspiring videos, including real-life stories from orphans, upbeat worship with award-winning Christian music artist Yancy, and an overview of Back2Back Ministries
Tales of the Not Forgotten book by Beth Guckenberger featuring a collection of four real-life stories that take kids on a journey to faraway lands and unknown faces to show how God is caring for orphans around the world. The book serves as the basis for a six-lesson curriculum. You can purchase additional copies for your kids and leaders
Tales of the Not Forgotten Leader's Guide CD-a fully editable and modifiable leader's guide includes six lessons based on the Tales of the Not Forgotten book, with detailed (but easy!) instructions, printables, take-home pages, scripts, and more
Mission Posters & Serving Hands- use the six colorful posters and fifty Serving Hands with your group to create a display highlighting specific ways your kids will serve others -
Additional Information
UPC: 9780784776353Year: 2015Season: VBSPreferred Location: SCLSCondition: New