- el hombre que desafió al mundo y confronta tu vida
Quien es Jess? Que significa ser un discipulo de Jess? Este libro fue escrito para responder preguntas sobre la persona, la vida y el mensaje de Cristo Jess. Esta basado en teologia bblica slida y ha sido escrito de forma clara y concisa. Ayudar a todo cristiano que quiera comprender el carcter y el proposito de Jess a enriquecer su vida y su relacion con l. Who is Jesus? What does being a disciple of Jesus means? This book was written to answer questions about the person, the life and message of Jesus Christ. It is based on sound biblical theology and written in a concise and clear manner. Help every Christian to understand the character and purpose of Jesus, so that in this way you can enrich your life and your relationship with Him.
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