January Bible Study 2021: John's Epistles - Personal Study Guide
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John's Epistles: Living with Assurance Leader Guideincludes a redeemable download code for access to leader helps, sermon ideas, and promotional materials. John wrote to combat false doctrines about the identity of Jesus and how His identity impacted a believer's everyday life. Some questioned if Jesus was fully human and physical while others questioned Him being the Christ. In both cases, sin was minimized. Believers have fellowship with Christ, who is God incarnate. Through walking in the light of this relationship and living in love, they are secure in the eternal life given through faith in Christ. The focus of this study is on how a person's understanding of Jesus impacts their daily lives in practical ways. False teachers with an incomplete understanding of Jesus as both human and deity have sought to mislead believers and continue to seek to do so today. Believers will come to understand that they can live with assurance of their eternal life by living in light of their relationship with Jesus. Session content: 1.Fellowship with God (1 John 1:12:2)2.Remaining with God (1 John 2:3-27)3.Living as God's Children (1 John 2:283:10; 4:1-6)4.Living with Love (1 John 3:11-24; 4:7-21)5.Living as Conquerors (1 John 5:1-21)6.Faithful to Truth (2 John)7.Hospitable in Truth (3 John) Features: •Leader helps, sermon ideas, and promotional materials•7 sessions Benefits: •Use in a small group setting or combine chapters for use in a seminar setting.•Customize the teaching plans and integrate select expository notes into your teaching notes.
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