Forged: Faith Refined, Volume 2 Leader Guide
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The Forged: Faith Refined, Volume 3 Leader Guide features easy-to-use, low-tech sessions without media. Preteens and leaders will have discussions on what is worship, my life as an act of worship, baptism, the Lord's Supper, and more. Purchase one for each leader.• 13, 1-hour sessions• Great for midweek discipleship and small groups We all worship something. You've probably heard that before. But it is true. Whether It's a sport, a hobby, your school, your relationships, yourself, or God, we all focus our hearts and minds on something. It is usually apparent to those around us what we have set our affections on.What is worship? Is it simply something done during a worship service? Is worship boring? How does God want me to worship? Help preteens discover the answer to these questions about true worship and more through Forged: Faith Refined, Volume 3.Forged: Faith Refined is an 8-volume, 2-year curriculum designed to help preteens sharpen their worldview according to biblical principles. As preteens move toward their teenage years, the Bible can help refine their faith and prepare them to understand and interact with the world around them with a biblical worldview. Each of the eight volumes will explore biblical truth in various areas of preteens' lives and help them evaluate how to live gospel centered lives in their community and world.
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