Find More Money
Find More Money
- Increase Your Income to Tackle Debt, Save Wisely, and Live Generously
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What do you do when cutting your budget no longer cuts it? From pastors in the pulpit to people in the pews, many people have cut and cut, but still find themselves struggling to pay the bills. Their full-time job is giving them barely enough to get by; how could they even begin to think about eliminating debt, saving, and living generously? Financial expert and author Art Rainer (The Money Challenge; The Marriage Challenge) helps answer these questions in Find More Money by pointing readers to the reality of the gig economy. When a full-time job doesn't provide what you need, finding a "gig" may be the answer to your problems. Find More Money is not just about financial stewardship, but about stewarding your talents, time, and abilities—not so you can get rich, but so you can live generously on mission for the kingdom.
Art Rainer is the Vice President for Institutional Advancement at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. He holds a Doctor of Business Administration from Nova Southeastern University and an MBA from the University of Kentucky. He writes widely about issues related to finance, wealth, and generosity, and is the author of The Money Challenge: 30 Days of Discovering God's Design for You and Your Money, and The Marriage Challenge: A Finance Guide for Married Couples. Art lives in Wake Forest, North Carolina with his wife, Sarah, and their three children. '
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