El ministerio de Mi Experiencia con Dios es ms vibrante hoy que cuando recien comenzo y a medida que sigue creciendo y el mundo continua cambiando,Mi Experiencia con Dios ha sido revisado y expandido y su material se ha renovado en ms de un 70%. Un clsico moderno que ha vendido millones de copias alrededor de mundo. Este libroesta basado en siete realidades bblicas que ensean como entablar una verdadera relacion con el Creador. Al comprender como Dios trabaja ennosotros mientras tratamos de comprender Sus caminos, podemos entender Su plan y descubrir como Su gracia cambia nuestras vidas. The Experiencing God ministry is even more vibrant today than when it began. As it continues to rise, and the world continues to change, the Experiencing God book has been revised and expanded with more than seventy percent of It's material newly written. A modern classic that has sold millions of copies worldwide, Experiencing God is based on seven Scriptural realities that teach us how to develop a true relationship with the Creator. By understanding how God is working through us even as we try to fathom His ways, we can begin to clearly know and do His will and discover our lives greatly and gracefully changed.
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