Characters Volume 7: The Early Church Leaders - Bible Study Book
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The Early Church Leaders Leader Kit includes a Bible Study Book and a DVD with six 10- to 13-minute video teaching sessions. The Kit also includes a code for access to additional resources through Wordsearch Bible. Every person in the Bible is a supporting actor in God's story—each revealing who God is and what His will is for human beings both then and now. In these characters, we see a glimpse of ourselves, coming to understand our failings, our potential, and God's purpose through it all.The Early Church Leaders is the final volume of the Characters series. See how the early church forms, flourishes, and eventually disperses on mission. In this volume, you will gain courage from the story of Stephen, perseverance and mission through the story of Paul, encouragement from the story of Barnabas, resolve to continue on through the story of Timothy, and more. These early church leaders not only demonstrate life among the people of God but also how to be faithful witnesses in an increasingly hostile culture. Session topics: 1. Stephen: The Martyred Leader 2. Paul: The Missionary Leader 3. Barnabas: The Encouraging Leader 4. James: The Unifying Leader 5. Priscilla and Aquila: The Servant Leaders 6. Timothy: The Young Leader Kit includes: • Bible Study Book • DVD with six 10- to 13-minute video teaching sessions • Extra leader resources, including a redemption code for a free Wordsearch Bible digital library valued at $250 Features: • Teaching videos • Six small-group sessions • Personal study opportunities for ongoing spiritual growth Benefits: • See how the church progressed beyond the 12 disciples. • Watch ordinary people become gripped with the mission of God. • Be inspired to stand boldly for Christ despite persecution and trials. • Understand how the gospel was taken to the ends of the earth. • Learn the importance of passing on your faith to the next generation. • Be better equipped to instruct those who are young in the faith. • Encourage others as they walk in faith. • Become confident of your own place as a character of God's story. • Experience the redemption that comes through God's use of imperfect people for His will.
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