Daily Drama DVD - Mystery Island VBS 2020 by Answers
This DVD features experienced actors performing five daily segments to the delight of hundreds of happy kids. Play this DVD during the closing assembly instead of pulling together your own drama team, or use it to help your own drama team learn their parts! The drama features two siblings who are invited to an island treasure hunt as part of their inheritance from a rich uncle. In the midst of their search, much mystery, intrigue, adventure, and humor occur, and valuable lessons are learned. Each segment is approximately 13 minutes long. Also available to purchase as an HD video download from AnswersVBS.com.
Additional Information
Condition:NewUPC:680031596552Year:2020Age Level:ChildrenTheme:Mystery IslandVBS Category:Music & MediaProduct Category:VBSOut Of Stock Message:Out for SeasonPreferred Location:SCLS