Child T-Shirt Size Extra Small - Discovery on Adventure Island - VBS 2022 by Cokesbury
Child T-Shirt Size Extra Small - Discovery on Adventure Island - VBS 2022 by Cokesbury
- Child sizes XS through XL
- Yellow shirt includes full-color Discovery on Adventure Island theme logo (front) and theme verse, Isaiah 60:1 (back)
- Discovery on Adventure Island VBS
The official Discovery on Adventure Island t-shirt will be loved by kids and leaders! The front features the colorful logo and the back has the Signal Verse (theme verse) for the week!
Additional Information
Condition:NewUPC:9781791009953Year:2022Age Level:ChildrenTheme:Discovery on Adventure IslandLanguage:EnglishVBS Category:Shirts/WearablesProduct Category:VBSPreferred Location:SCLS