Bible Adventures Leader Manual - Pets Unleashed Weekend VBS 2023
Bible Adventures Leader Manual - Pets Unleashed Weekend VBS 2023
- LEADER MANUAL (Bible Adventures Leader Manual) - A step-by-step tool that shows the leader how to make Scripture come to life.
- USE - Plan and prepare for every daily activity that make Scripture come alive.
- Included in Starter Kit
- VBS 2023 - Pets Unleashed VBS by Group Publishing
Bible Adventures allow kinesthetic (physical) learners to wiggle and move as they explore the Bible Point in active ways.The Bible Adventures Leader Manual guides kids through God's Word in unforgettable ways that make Scripture come alive. This manual will allow the leader to plan and prepare for every daily activity. It's a step–by–step tool that shows the leader how to make Scripture come to life
Additional Information
UPC: 9781470771768Year: 2023Age Level: ChildrenSeason: VBSTheme: Pets UnleashedLanguage: EnglishVBS Category: Leader ResourcesPreferred Location: SCLSBrand : GroupCondition: New