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Adiós a mi

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Adiós a mi

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  • Una historia de vida o muerte
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  • Description

    Que significa ganar o perder?Adis a m es la dolorosa historia de una despedida, contada, sin embargo, con humor y esperanza. Dmaris Carbaugh, la conocida interprete de musica cristiana, nos invita a sentarnos junto a ella en el sof para confiarnos sus vivencias mientras bebemos una deliciosa taza de profunda ensenanzas bblica. No importa si recorrimos nuestra vida en la fe de Jesucristo o si hemos preferido mirar de lejos la iglesia; no importa si ya tenemos un reconocido ministerio o si tan solo asistimos a los servicios dominicales... a todos se nos escapar alguna lgrima al sentirnos incomodados por la urgencia de nuestra propia despedida, y nos veremos desafiados por esas palabras eternas del Maestro: "Si alguno quiere venir en pos de m, nieguese a se mismo, tome su cruz y sgame".What does it mean to win or lose? Goodbye to Me is the painful story of a farewell, woven with humor and hope. The well-known Christian music performer Dmaris Carbaugh invites us to sit on the couch next to her, and shares her life experiences with us while we sip on a delicious cup of deep biblical teaching. Whether we have gone through life having faith in Jesus Christ or merely looking at the church from a safe distance, whether we have a renowned ministry or only attend Sunday school—we will all be distressed and teary eyed with the urgency of saying farewell to ourselves, and we will all be challenged by the eternal words of the Master: "If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me".

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About the Author

D maris Carbaugh naci en la Ciudad de Nueva York, en una familia dedicada al ministerio. A lo largo de los a os conoci las cumbres m s altas del 'xito en la comunidad discogr fica de Nueva York. Adem s, cant jingles comerciales para algunas de las compa as m s importantes del mundo, como Coca Cola, Pepsi, KFC, entre otras. Sus numerosas grabaciones son el reflejo de su amplia experiencia musical y de su personal traves a espiritual. Sin embargo, el mayor deseo de D maris es servir a Cristo de coraz n. Su don para comunicar y su pasi n por la Palabra de Dios extendieron su ministerio m s all de la m sica. Tambi'n se ha ganado un lugar como una conferencista muy popular. D maris Carbaugh vive en Mount Vernon, Nueva York (EE.UU.), con Rod, su esposo durante m s de 30 a os. Tienen dos hijos adultos, Ashley Rose y James Christian y dos nietas. ' D maris Carbaugh was born in New York City to a family dedicated to ministry. Throughout the years she reached the highest peaks of success in the New York recording industry. In addition to that, she sang commercial jingles for some of the most important companies in the world, like Coca Cola, Pepsi, KFC, among others. Her numerous recordings reflect her ample musical experience and her personal spiritual journey. However, D maris' greatest desire is to serve Christ wholeheartedly. Her gift for communication and her passion for the Word of God have extended her ministry well beyond music, earning her a place as a popular conference speaker. D maris Carbaugh lives in Mount Vernon, New York (US) with Rod, her husband of more than 35 years. They have two adult children, Ashley Rose and James Christian, and two granddaughters. ' '''''''

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